Behind the Lens
Although it sounds cliché, from the time I was young I always had a camera in my hands. Creating digital content was something that really sparked my interest. Whether it was home-video “action movies” with my friends or stop-motion lego shorts, I loved it all. This interest developed into a passion my freshman year of high school when I enrolled in an “Intro to Film” class as my elective. That year I realized that I wanted to work with cameras in any capacity and I ended up doing four years of film. Two of those years were Film IB and I accompanied that with two years of Screenwriting.
I went into my freshman year of college as a Film Major but realized that I was not getting the experience that I wanted. I was not learning nearly as much or what I wanted and on top of that could not find any work opportunities in the area. Dejected, I ended up coming back home and enrolling in community college. While I was home I decided to take an Intro to Photography class because I had started to take more photos while I was in college due partially to the fact that I could not get many videography opportunities. This class made me absolutely fall in love with photography and I ended up pursuing that like no other.
While at community college I started to meet other students who needed photos and became integrated into the music scene at home. I started to shoot my friends and do work for their album covers/promos and eventually started shooting at venues as well. On top of this, I got a videography gig at a startup company called Eyedaptic, Inc. where I became their in-house videographer.
After two grueling (but exciting) years, I transferred into the University of California, Berkeley, where I graduated with a degree in Media Studies. While there, I joined The Daily Californian Newspaper where I served two semesters as a staff photographer, one term as a Deputy Photo Editor and ended my journey as the Head Photo Editor.
Upon graduation I moved back home to Orange County where I am now starting my business, Quick Media.